Дома / Портфолио / Концептуален дизајн I бренд идентитет I промотивни материјали
Collage of wine and cheese festival activities with large "10" and event title overlay.
Promotional graphics for a wine and cheese festival with images of wine, cheese, and event details on a phone screen.
Outdoor festival with seating, a large "W&C" sculpture, and information banner for a wine and cheese fest.
Glass sign with "10 Wine & Cheese Fest." logo in pink and gold, with blurred greenery background.
Promotional sign for wine & cheese fest with wine bottle and glasses graphic, and people in a busy market hall.
Smartphone displaying a Wine & Cheese Fest event ad for 5 March 2023 with tickets on sale, against a blurred background.
A person holding a tote bag with a 'Wine & Cheese Fest 2023' graphic in a park.